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Skål International welcomes IATA leader to its membership
03/08/2022 11:05:32
Skål International News
President elect for IATA, Mr. Mehmet T. Nane, CEO of Pegasus Airlines is inducted as a new member of Skål International Istanbul.
Can Arinel elected as the new President and Mehmet Nane, IATA President-Elect joined Skål International Istanbul
03/07/2022 22:14:33
Clubs News
Skål International Istanbul Bi-Annual General Assembly & President’s Installation Ceremony was held at Dedeman Istanbul Hotel. Can Arinel was elected as the new President of Skål International Istanbul.
Skål International calls for diplomacy and peace for global tourism
03/03/2022 14:10:18
Skål International News
Skål International stands strongly in favor of the use of diplomacy to avoid such conflicts and calls on all nations to use both diplomatic negotiations and the good offices of such organizations as the United Nations to resolve differences.
Africa Travel Week is back
02/22/2022 16:51:02
Corporate News
Get ready to bump elbows at Africa’s most anticipated travel trade show as registrations open!
Skål International London event at Best Western Plus Lamplighter Inn
02/21/2022 13:06:21
Clubs News
90th anniversary celebration of Skål International Paris
05/13/2022 09:23:02
Skål International News
National activities of Skål International Mexico January-February’22
02/18/2022 11:52:34
Clubs News
Appointment of Hulya Aslantas as the Interim Vice President
02/18/2022 10:27:24
Corporate News
Ashley Munn, Skålleague of the Month - February'22
02/18/2022 10:13:30
Corporate News
This time we highlight Ashley Munn, from Skål International Broome, Australia, as Skålleague of the month.
February'22 Council Corner
02/17/2022 18:51:13
Corporate News
Born into a Babylonian/Chaldean Christian family, in the Christian Quarter in Iran, the family shield with our torch of light, the cross and tower or Babylon.
February'22 Notes from the Editor
02/17/2022 17:52:08
Corporate News
We begin this month with positive expectations for our industry...