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Skål International São Paulo event at WTM Latin America
04/24/2024 07:46:07
Clubs News
Skål International São Paulo (Brasil) and PROMPERÚ invited Skålleages and trade professionals for a dinner on April 15th, WTM Latin America 2024.
Celebrate Skål International’s 90th Anniversary with the iconic Torta Loca Malagueña
04/16/2024 11:17:22
Corporate News
From our General Secretariat, they propose to celebrate Skål International’s 90th Anniversary with the iconic Torta Loca Malagueña.
Skål International 90th Anniversary: Message from Michael Volckaert
04/15/2024 15:53:44
Corporate News
On the occasion of the 90th anniversary of Skål International, allow me, as the grandson of Florimond Volckaert, to extend my warmest congratulations.
Skål International through the decades - Celebrating 90 years
04/15/2024 15:53:06
Corporate News
Message from Antonio García del Valle, Skål International Honorary President.
Skål International 90th Anniversary: Message from the General Secretariat
04/16/2024 11:14:14
Corporate News
As Skål International commemorates a remarkable 90-year journey, the General Secretariat extends heartfelt congratulations to every member.
Skål International 90th Anniversary: Message from the Executive Board
04/15/2024 15:47:31
Corporate News
As we celebrate the remarkable journey of Skål International on its 90th anniversary, we are filled with profound gratitude and admiration.
Skål International 90th Anniversary: Message from the President
04/15/2024 15:46:51
Corporate News
Today, our organization celebrates its 90th anniversary – 90 years since the idea of international friendship between tourism professionals grew.
Skål International expresses its solidarity and support to Taiwan after the recent earthquake
04/03/2024 16:06:29
Skål International News
It is with great sorrow that Skål International has received news of the devastating earthquake that has struck Taiwan.
Skål International and Uruguay Ministry of Tourism join forces against child trafficking
04/03/2024 15:28:02
Clubs News
Tabaré Viera, minister of Tourism of Uruguay, among the signatories of the commitment in favour of the prevention of child trafficking.
#SkalNetwork: Ramón Adillon, President of Skål International Madrid, representative of Skål International at WTTC
04/01/2024 16:27:21
Skål International News
Skål International’s Executive Board has appointed Ramón Adillon as its representative at the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC).
Skål International London events January-March'24
04/30/2024 08:31:59
Clubs News
Summary of events held by Skål International London (Canada) during the first quarter of 2024.
Kanokros Wongvekin, elected new Skål International Bangkok President
03/21/2024 11:28:59
Clubs News
The importance of the Skål International Sustainable Tourism Awards
03/20/2024 15:29:23
Skål International News
Sustainability is a crucial issue in today's world, and the Skål International Sustainable Tourism Awards play an important role in recognizing and encouraging sustainable practices.
Annual Portfolio Objectives Overview
03/20/2024 10:22:57
Skål International News
We are pleased to share a summary of the goals outlined for each portfolio for the year.
Reflections on ethnic and cultural diversity in Skål International
03/20/2024 08:34:35
Corporate News
Ethnic and cultural diversity enriches us as a society and gives meaning to tourism. To highlight its importance, Presidents of Skål International Clubs from different countries reflect on the question "What does cultural/ethnic diversity mean to you within Skål International/your Club?
March'24 Message from the President
03/19/2024 15:20:05
Corporate News
Ethnicity and cultural diversity play a key role in fostering a wide diversity of perspectives within an association of tourism professionals spanning 82 countries and comprising over 12,000 industry professionals.
March'24 Notes from the Editor
03/19/2024 15:02:24
Corporate News
In the vibrant world of global tourism, embracing ethnicity and cultural diversity isn't just a choice - it's an imperative.